
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Going Girl Scout Crazy!

Elizabeth and Sarah sisters in life and scouting!
I started girl scouting again! What an ordeal it has turned out to be.  I have had an innumerable amount of problems since it's start.  I have had co-leader/ cookie mom problems, and even though she is gone the problems are still remaining.  The stress it has caused has been too much.  I have been having health issues primarily associated with this.  I can't believe there are people in the world who would do the things that have been done.  It is criminal and sad. Now she is spending all of her time bad mouthing girl scouting, and me.  While I try my hardest to not sink to her level and tell the world of her horrible activities and what she was doing.  It is harder each day to rise above.  I hope now that cookies are done things will get better.  I have a large troop of 27 girls! They are the only reason I am still doing this.  They are bright and amazing.  I enjoy all of my time with them.
Elizabeth trying on a different culture
I now have another co-leader who has also taken on the role of cookie mom and she is working very hard to try to deal with the incredible mess that was made by her predecessor.  In the past as a girl scout leader I never encountered such problems and I am slightly dishearten.  I sure hope things get better.....
Jim came and spoke to the girl scouts about our country and military!
Here is a few pictures of my girls in girl scouting...
Sarah at a cookie booth
Sarah and Elizabeth selling cookies!
Elizabeth at a cookie booth
Sarah trying on another culture!
Sarah's Brownie Picture