
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Conor Turn's 3!

Conor's birthday comes right on Dance Recital Friday! So we celebrated a week early.  Tomorrow is his official 3 year old birthday!  May 21, 2010! I can't believe what a big boy he is getting to be.  Time seems to be flying by.  This may have something to do with the fact that he is my official last baby.  This makes me sad... and relieved at the same time.  That is a strange combination of feelings! LOL!!
He has also moved from the terrible (although terrible is still how we describe some of his actions) two's and moved onto the trying 3's!  He knows how to say his ABC's in English and French. He knows how to count to 30 and he knows quite a lot of Spanish words.  He is growing and learning everyday!  We have been finding out how advanced he is physically as well.  So blessed are we. =) Here are a handful of pictures from the party.

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