
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Struggles of Homeschool

I have been having some problems with the kids recently.  The problem is that since the kids have been in a regular school setting it is hard to keep them motivated in their basic education and seat work.  All the extra and exploritative stuff seems to go over famously but the regular work seems to be a thorn in my side.  The kids won't buckle down or focus.  Discipline is different and slightly more difficult.  Having been in a traditional class room, I may have more challenges adjusting to this difference.  

Honestly, sometimes I think that this is not something I really want to do.  It is hard and discouraging.  Then something happens and we have a good day.. and the enthusiasm is up...and their is a sense of renewal.  I think maybe I can do this.  My mentor reminds me that it take 3 years to become comfortable with the homeschooling process.   I feel embarrassed to admit that I feel a lot like maybe I am not doing what is best for my children. I know the schools are geared up to make you think you can't do it all on your own.  I only hope that in the end if I continue soon I will see that I am meant to do this and that it is working! 
Frustration is my first, middle, and sometimes Last name! UGH! 

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